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Sustainability Projects & Funding

The Environmental Sustainability Council (ESC) seeks proposals for environmental sustainability-related projects to fund during the 2022-23 academic year. ESC anticipates making several small awards to student- and/or faculty-designed projects that will be completed during the fall 2022 and spring 2023 semesters. Proposals will be reviewed and considered at the ESC meetings following each proposal’s submission and award decisions will be made during or just following those meetings. There is a limited pool of funding but expect most funded projects to be in the $500-1000 range. We will consider projects outside this range on a case-by-case basis. Proposals led by students will be prioritized for funding. Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis.





All proposals must be electronic in format. They can be word, PDF, and/or Excel documents. There is a maximum proposal length of two, single-spaced pages.


All proposals must include the following:

  • Begin with a one paragraph executive summary of the basic idea behind the project (ideally one paragraph);
  • Detailed project description with the following elements:
    • The benefit of the project to students, faculty, staff, the TCNJ community or the broader community. The projects should result in tangible environmental or sustainability benefits;
    • How the project supports the College’s Strategic Plan, if applicable;
    • The goal or outcome of the project. This should include how will the project be assessed, or judged as successful or not; ○ A list of the people who will be involved in the project proposed including a project leader or co-leaders, other people involved, and their role at TCNJ (If funding is being requested for a class-based project, the proposal does not need to include all names of participants);
    • A schedule for the project, including the anticipated date of completion;
    • A budget for the project specifying the support requested from ESC;
    • Any other support or resources needed or requested for the full implementation of the project, and whether agreements have been obtained for support from entities not directly related to the project, if applicable.


Email proposals to ESC co-chairs Shannon Graham or Paul Romano with a subject line of “ESC Small Project Funding” for consideration. Decisions made by the ESC co-chairs are final.


Any questions about this request for proposals can be sent to ESC co-chairs Shannon Graham or Paul Romano.