Whether you’re just starting to learn about environmental issues or you’re an expert working in the field, these links provide essential information what we focus on!
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
This organization is dedicated to advancing sustainability in higher education.
NJ Climate Adaptation Alliance
Based at Rutgers, “The Alliance will focus on climate change preparedness in key impacted sectors (public health; watersheds, rivers and coastal communities; built infrastructure; agriculture; and natural resources).”
New Jersey and Climate Change
This document from the NJ Office of Science at NJDEP examines the anticipated effects of climate change on New Jersey.
Eleven Ways to Green Your School
From GreenEducation.org, this list gives you 11 ways to make your school a green campus.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
The IPCC is a United Nations sponsored body that regularly produces reports on the science and effects of climate change. Its most recent report, the fifth report from 2013, surveys the work of thousands of scientists and presents the global consensus on the state of climate change around the planet.